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A Letter from Ghana
Author: Colton Scott
Wednesday, April 6, 2016

school booksI’m staring at a letter from the Ghana Education Service — written by the Director of Education for the Talensi District. The letter expresses an emphasis on two key points: the deprivation of their district, and their children’s deep desire for a proper education.

Attached to the letter is a request for materials from Apologetics Press (AP) to be used in their public schools—a request that, if fulfilled, will put the truth of the hope found in Jesus in the hands of approximately 25,000 kids in Ghana. This all came about seemingly fortuitously, though it was most likely, providentially. A conversation sparked at a wedding reception about how we could spread the truth in Africa as well as here in the States.

And so here we are, nearly a year later, staring at an official letter from the Ghanaian government requesting materials from AP to be used in their public schools. Like many other good works, the only thing standing in the way of this project’s completion is the necessary capital to make it happen. We are very excited that all other hurdles have been cleared, and that money rarely stands in the way for long.

If you would like to learn more details about this project and about how you can help get the truth into the hands of children across the globe, please contact me at colton@apologeticspress.org.

And as always, please continue to pray for all of the good works that are ongoing in the Lord’s Kingdom.



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